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History & Philosophy
Niyonu Spann Reflects on the Creation of the BD101 Workshops
I first had the call to develop the first Beyond Diversity 101 Intensive after some 10 years or so of working as a diversity workshop facilitator. I was beginning to see a disturbing pattern in myself and in my fellow trainers. When we facilitators measured "success" during and after a workshop, it was frequently by a yardstick which correlated to the following: on one side, how guilty had the white folks—especially white men—been made to feel; and on the other side, had the people of color, women or some other designated oppressed group gotten sufficiently in touch with their pain and expressions of anger?

"Courage of the heart will allow us to see and make these difficult acknowledgements, record the truth of them, but then also take the necessary action both within and without to right them."
Niyonu Spann,
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