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Joe Moore

Joe Moore


Joe Moore is a retired executive of a Fortune 250 Company. He holds an M.S. degree in Organizational Development. He has over 30 years experience in facilitating team-building and management-planning workshops. He is currently teaching management development courses at Penn State University and has been on the faculty of Elmhurst College. He has co-facilitated several diversity sessions for a variety of organizations. Joe has also served as a BD101 Intern and Assistant Facilitator.


Joe says that, "participating in BD101 has helped me awaken to new ways of seeing myself, other people, groups and larger institutions. I find that I am much more aware of what is happening within and around me as it relates to all aspects of diversity. I really like the holistic approach of BD101. Workshop experiences include paying attention to mind, body and spirit. I have met many new friends through BD101. I use a lot of what I have learned in my teaching, consulting and social justice work. I like doing diversity work, especially the BD101 approach, because I believe that humankind is meant to be connected through love and understanding. This is the best thing I have found to help us reach across artificial divides in order to understand, empathize and heal."

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