Structure & Schedule
This series includes four Intensives:
PART 1 - Shaping the Vessel
PART 2 - Workin’ at the Roots
PART 3 - Clarifying What We Are Up To (Zoom)
PART 4 - Focus & BE it!

( Times Listed in ET )
In Person Schedule
Sept. Zoom Intensive
Each Day / Virtual Event
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Noticing Support & Stretch Groups (N&S)
Your N&S groups will meet during the Series sessions and at least one 2-hr session between intensives. This is one of the spaces where you will practice the specific exercises presented during the Intensives and complete your design assignments.
Guest Teachers
We couldn’t be more excited about the Guest Teachers who have agreed to join us this year. The guest teachers for our in-person sessions will be our guides for roughly a day and ½ . They are each invited to design their teaching time in their own way.
There has been a change to the guest teacher lineup! Dr. Darya has moved to the September Zoom session and Ricardo Levins Morales will join us for Part 2, in June!
Unchanged are the March Intensive featuring Guest Teacher, Zhenevere Sophia Dao, and November Intensive featuring Lisa Graustein and Daniel Hunter. Bios for each Guest Teacher are included below in the Intensive Descriptions.
Prework & Homework
Cohort members should expect assigned, required readings, videos, and small projects to be completed before each Intensive. Each Guest Teacher may include materials to be reviewed before their sessions as well. In total, these assignments should take no more than 8 to 10 hours (over a 3-month period). There will be plenty of optional reading and projects offered for those who choose to go deeper in this way. All handouts and videos will be posted here.
The Whole System Transformation Practicum
Practicum for BD101 WST Series
Whole System Transformation Practicum Title: THE NAME YOU CHOOSE FOR YOUR PRACTICUM
The Whole System Transformation Practicum is an application practice designed to utilize and integrate the concepts and frameworks learned throughout the BD101 WST Series. Cohort members will identify a specific issue within their community or an organization that is calling for root-level change toward liberatory ways of being. This project will invite cohort members to tap into mind, body, and spirit as they discern the applicable practices and frameworks. Members are also encouraged to design new activities and processes to move their chosen system to greater wholeness, alignment, and mission effectiveness. Implementation & Documentation may be carried out individually or in teams. Earlier stages—problem identification and discernment, intervention design and preparing self as instrument—will be worked through in Practicum Study Teams.
BD 101 WST Objectives, Guidelines & Timeline will be presented during WST Part 2 (June Session)
Whole System Transformation:
Overview of each intensive
Part 1: Shaping the Vessel
With guest teacher Zhenevere Sophia Dao
March 19 – 23, 2025
Kirkridge Retreat Center
Where I/we come from, What I/we yearn for in our life/our communities/our world
Support grounded in seeing, reflecting, vulnerability, and holding
Ways of sensing, ways of knowing, ways of making meaning, ways of expression
Why BODY is essential
Our blueprint ~ What we’ve signed on for
Introduce Primary Frameworks through which we access whole-system remembrance/ whole-system transformation (Applying The Three Circles & Eliminating Patterns of Oppression)
This is HEARTWORK that we are doing
Part 2: Workin' at the Roots
With guest teacher Ricardo Levins Morales
June 26 –30 2025
Kirkridge Retreat Center
Foundational Change
Understand the differences between incremental change processes, and whole system transformation
Working within the field of knowingness
Why SPIRIT is essential
Planning toward a practicum
Part 3: Clarifying What We Are Up to
With guest teacher Dr. Darya Funches
September 26-28.2025
What are you talking about, really? - Inclusion/Equity/Diversity/Belonging/Liberation
The necessary elements of liberation/of liberatory ways of educating, counseling, creating, leading, worshiping, organizing, etc…
Why MIND is essential
Polarity Thinking/”AND” Thinking
Discernment – Practicing, Supporting
Part 4: Focus & BE it!
With guest teachers Lisa Graustein & Daniel Hunter
November 19-23, 2025
Kirkkridge Retreat Center
Liberatory Design & Facilitation – workshop design/meeting design/community actions
Movement Building – Why Action is essential
Community Care
Creativity & tapping the mystical
Vision Energy
Exciting the system​
Open-Hearted AND Disallowing Harm
Learning in mixed groups AND Learning in Affinity Spaces
What we are offering our home communities
Closing Ritual